Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Last Night

My wife and I treked to Scenic Drive in El Paso on our last night in the Sun City. I lived most of my life in this city and never did I travel to this point to take a picture.

Which brings me to my point.

If you have lived in a place all your life you should try to look at your surroundings however mundane with the eyes of a tourist. See, I have seen this sight of downtown so many times but not like this. So what was once old is new again.

I hope to keep this perspective and mindset when I return to work from vacation.


Monday, September 15, 2008

Chico's Tacos

I've been in El Paso one full day and dived into two chile rellenos for lunch at a place called the Lunch Box in the Lower Valley and two double double orders from the illustrious Chico's Tacos.

To put that into perspective a single order from Chico's is 3 flautas. A double order is 6 flautas.

My tummy is warm from the sauce and I am watching the Cowboys.

Life is good.


Friday, September 12, 2008

Another game, another dollar. No rain today, windy but no rain. Tomorrow will be another day. However today is a homecoming game so delays are numerous. -30-

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Damn the iPhone, but it still rocks.

(Photo by Jonny Carroll) I can take a picture with a 400mm lens and hold it steady at slow shutter speeds. But for some reason in the picture you see of me trying to take a photo during a timeout of a football game i could not hold the iPhone steady enough to take a somewhat sharp photograph. Yes I know it's because the phone is compensating for the crappy light at the field thus the blurry photo.

My company 400 is going to the shop for repair. It's a work horse lens for me. I use it for sports and spot news. I take good care of the lens I guess the constant use of the lens wore out the parts.

Next update will be a soccer game on Friday then my vacation the following week. Maybe even some paintball.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Me between plays

UNT Vs. Tulsa
The shadow you see belongs to David Minton. (Photo by David Minton)

Borrowed 400 and

Well I am back with a borrowed 400 as I patiently wait to shoot the University of North Texas, Tulsa University football game at Fouts Field. The only thing that will drive me crazy at this field will be the shadow that will come across the field at around 7pm. Its not to big of a problem but drives me batty because it's at least a four stop difference.

I will try to post from the field before or during a break in the game.

It's an hour before game time. Time to get the game face on.


Friday, September 5, 2008

Quickie pic

Well my company 400 stopped working so I had to switch to the 300.
Here is a quick picture between plays at the high school game I was at
tonight. Hopefully I can borrow a co-workers lens for tomorrows
college game.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Test 2 for text

Test test text text text text text text text text text text.

While not the greatest way to do it still its pretty cool to blog from the iPhone with a picture. But not as cool as the 32oz bottle of hot sauce which will gets inaugural opening in the near future.

Bee-ing patient

Recently I shot the picture of a bumblebee landing on a sunflower at a home in Denton. The thing is it took me at least an hour waiting for yellow and black stripped bug to land on that specific flower.

Several things I had to get to make the picture work.
1) The bumblebee had to be in the picture and it had to be in the right spot of the frame.
2) The light had to hit the bee and flower just right.
3) The wind had to stop blowing so the sunflower would stop moving messing up my focus.

The best comment I received was that the photo looked like a painting. This is probably due to the blueish/cyan background and that the bumblebee isn't sharp but instead shows the bug in motion.

Better lucky, than good.
