Monday, January 22, 2007

Portfolio, Cover letter and Resume

Thats the trinity of what it takes to get a job in my profession. What do I write and how should I write it is also equally as hard. Luckily, I have some help with the cover letter.
What pictures do I add to my portfolio that show my strengths but also show my personality as a photojournalist? I have help putting that together also.

When I first started out I found this cool website hosted by the Detroit Free Press. Check it out it has some really good tips at what you need to keep your stuff above the pile and out of the trash can.

If I had to recommend how to put together a solid portfolio/cover letter its that you should find a photo editor (or related professional) that has experience in doing this. They probably see cover letters and portfolios all the time and know what works and what doesn't.

And now I have to get back to writing that cover letter and polishing up that portfolio.

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